14 February 2010

I heart...

Being the day marked to celebrate love, I sent a message to my friends around the world asking them what they heart. I asked them all to take a moment and feel (in that moment) what makes them feel the fuzzy feelings what they heart brings to them and their life. Here is what I received:

“I heart my loving family and cherished friends. They make me who I am!”

“That every experience we have impacts the direction of the road ahead.”

“I heart helping people.”

“I heart the memory of sitting on the hood of a car with my daddy watching the northern lights dance in the sky amongst a warm summer’s night.”

“Compassionate touch, simple silences, a day in the sunshine with friends and my partner, my life right now...and of course our newest little fuzz-bucket puppy - oh and GOOD FOOD!”

“Cinnamon bears.”

“I heart.....long hugs with family and friends who are near and dear to me.”

“I heart........friends, family, my dog's wagging tail..................and surprises!”

“I heart eating pancakes with maple syrup with my family on the weekend!”

“I love life with all its opportunities & challenges that is has to offer!! It's amazing how if you respond to the opportunities & accept the challenges, how sweeet life truly is.”

I heart the little things; small gestures of love and kindness.”

“...waking up on Sunday mornings snuggled up to my husband with our dogs curled up at our feet. “

“a warm wind, laughter rising from my soul, my babies hugging each other”

“I heart...fresh air, moist with rain-stirring with a warm spring-is-coming wind.”

“I heart saying yes to the extraordinary adventures of life as a mamma and a wife.”

“Knowing that there are good people in this world who want to share a brighter future”

“All the energy I feel every day from those whose thoughts reach out to me and the ones I love. As if rainbows of light are radiating out, making the earth a more loving and gentle world.”

I heart thoughtfulness. ( like your inspiration to make this list). I heart easy conversation, with old and new friends. I heart the confidence that comes with age. I heart touching the back of my love's neck. I heart awaiting the feeling of the first flutters of life inside my growing belly.”

“I heart the moments I set aside to meditate and listen and sit in the presence of the One that created me. The things that I sense, the peace that I feel, the Love that overwhelms me in those moments soothe my heart and excite my soul. It is a Love and Wholeness that my earthly mind cannot understand.”

“Puffy coats, quilts made by my grandmother, the first seconds of the morning when you are in complete comfort just lying in bed, and the feeling of being physically exhausted from exercise.”

“I heart food made with care, sharing life with close friends, laying on the couch with my cat snuggled on me, the community I live in.”

“My daughters words, "Mummy do you know who the most beautiful people are in the world?' “No sweetie.” “You and daddy.” And of course all of the other wonderful blessings I have in my life.”

“I heart Jennifer and Rebecca, who pulled me through two treacherous years and are a constant source of merriment and imagination to me.”

“I heart so much in life that sometimes I feel like I am going to explode. There is glory around every corner.”

I heart my beautiful sisters, who hold my hands as I revel and reckon.”

“My dog, especially when she puts her head on my lap.”

Please add to the list and feel free to share what you heart, wherever you may be. And always, enjoy the ride.

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