13 August 2010

Skipping record

I may sound like your favorite record, after a fresh scratch, that just keeps skipping. However, this summer seems to be a reflection on love. The reflection of new beginnings, new life, new births, and how love is constantly recycling. This morning I made a search on the internet to see what the word was out there about how ACOG is going to address the new changes in regards to VBAC's. Instead, I ran into this new journal called SQUAT. It has kept me returning at periods throughout the day to read the journal amongst my time with my sister, Jennifer, and her partner Sky as they await the arrival of their lil-bit.

This publication is awesome and speaks directly to my soul, even if on the outside I don't reflect the radical, anarchist, feminist midwife. At heart, once you get deep inside it's there and it's convicted and committed to transforming the lives of women through birth and way beyond that as well as transforming the birth environment.

As I sit in a house that is expanding it's vibration of love and the size of it's family, I am inspired by a quote from For the Love of Birth, by Jennifer Summerfelt,

Because when we are witnessed in the energy of Love, when we are held and trusted in our total greatness, we, as women, can give birth in love, and that ripples into our family, our community, our country, our planet, and our cosmos. I also believe that the men who witness the miracle of birth from a place of trust and love also become transformed and they, too, become the healers of the planet (SQUAT, Summer 2010)

My year 11 teacher would ask me, "So Becca, what did you think of that?" And I would say this now...The work of my hands is evolving and changing from where I ever imagined it to be or go. It has been asked hard to change since May and there is not a whole lot I can do about it. I have witnessed many a birth from a place of trust and love, much so that as I read this quote I can sit back and say I have been lucky. This place has completely transformed my view of living on earth. I've come to realize this past month I cannot turn back and hope for it to be the way it was, however I can move forward with just what Jennifer speaks of in her article "trust and connection."

Healing this planet is taking a lot of work and conscious effort on our parts. If it is as easy as tapping into Love and trusting it and moving forward in our doings from a place of love, then you'd think we would all sign up. Not so much so it seems to me. The greater consciousness has other work to do. But this small group of us out there doing this work, we're generating enough voltage right now to keep the light lit and for me keep sounding like a skipping record.

In closing, SQUAT also inspired me to reconnect with the activist and the inner-anarchist that is not willing to follow the grain and is totally inspired to healthfully disrupt the current state of midwifery. I'm over the current state I am surrounded by, because (guess what) I am selfish and want to see change, continuity, support and most of all Love evolve. So as I commit to my path, I commit to change and r-EVolution. Just like my father and ancestors encouraged me to do.


  1. Thanks for sharing the link to SQUAT. The article quoted above really resonated with me. As I was engaging a midwife for our latest baby, I came to an understanding that for me I need someone who really cares about me. That is about all the prenatal care I need. This revelation led me to cancel my appointment with a new midwife, and return to Adele. Upon seeing me, and the kids, her smile widened, her arms opened, and it felt like coming home. That's the midwife for me!
    The rest of the journal supplied more confirmation to me as a radical feminist mother. Sometimes, I feel alone because most women are too afraid to step outside the status quo. We have to be radical and outspoken to really create change!

  2. Yayy!!!!! I am so happy to hear this news A. Love you!
